Coding is an art.

Make your editor an artboard.


Package Control

Press Super + Shift + P, search for Install Package, then foculor.

Continue with Configuration.



Extract as Packages/Theme - foculor into your packages directory.

Continue with Configuration.


Enable Theme

Add one of the following lines to your settings.json:

"theme": "foculor.sublime-theme"
"theme": "foculor Light.sublime-theme"

Enable Color Scheme

Add one of the following lines to your settings.json:

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - foculor/Monokai foculor 2.sublime-color-scheme"
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - foculor/Monokai foculor 2 Light.sublime-color-scheme"
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - foculor/Monokai foculor 2 Nord.sublime-color-scheme.tmTheme"
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - foculor/Monokai foculor 2 Nord Atlantic.sublime-color-scheme.tmTheme"

Change Font

foculor comes with support for four fonts (must be installed on your system):

"theme_font_clear_sans": true
"theme_font_ubuntu": true

Change Tab Size

You can customize the size of your tabs by setting these options (default is normal):

"foculor_tabs_auto_width": true
"foculor_tabs_small": true
"foculor_tabs_font_small": true
"foculor_tabs_normal": true
"foculor_tabs_font_normal": true
"foculor_tabs_large": true
"foculor_tabs_font_large": true

Change Sidebar Size

You can customize the size of your sidebar entries by setting these options (default is normal):

"foculor_sidebar_tree_small": true
"foculor_sidebar_font_small": true
"foculor_sidebar_tree_normal": true
"foculor_sidebar_font_normal": true
"foculor_sidebar_tree_large": true
"foculor_sidebar_font_large": true
"foculor_sidebar_tree_xlarge": true
"foculor_sidebar_font_xlarge": true